FAQ - How to close and cancel my DoliCloud subscription and account



You can completely close your subscription to the DoliCloud service all by yourself, at any time, from your customer dashboard. This page describes, step by step, how to do this.



Close and cancel your account

Closing and cancelling your subscription to DoliCloud means you want to completely stop using the service. Once your account cancellation is validated, you won't be able to use the service and all your data will be destroyed.

If you plan to migrate to another service, we recommend that you complete the migration of your current instance before making the cancellation request.

If you are sure you want to close your account (and destroy all your data), follow this process:

Connect to your DoliCloud customer dashboard: https://myaccount.dolicloud.com


- Your login is the email that you used when you registered to the service.

- Your password is the password that you used to register to the service (if you didn't reset it).

The Login/Password of your DoliCloud customer dashboard differs from the login/password you use to login to your Dolibarr ERP/CRM instance. If you lose your password, you can reset it by clicking on the link "Forgot Password".

Once logged in, click on the menu "My account", then click the link "Delete my account".

Note: You may be asked to delete active instances before you can use this feature. In this case, the instructions to destroy your running active instance will be displayed.




FAQ written by the DoliCloud support team.